It's been an interesting week.
On Monday I managed to squish my thumb in the car door - ooouch! - or words to that effect! Unable to do anything much with my right hand, no writing or knitting, I enjoyed two days relaxing, pretending meanwhile that the offending digit didn't throb. On return to work, once the discomfort had subsided somewhat, an enthusiastic workmate offered to perform the 'make a hole in the nail with a heated needle' procedure on my thumbnail to alleviate the pressure caused by the blood collection underneath it. She was very efficient, having performed this "operation" many times in the past, hooray for experienced professional workmates! I am grateful to her for her assistance in relieving the discomfort and educating me to the fact that it doesn't hurt a bit! This fact I have added to my memory bank for future use! The colours of my thumb now relieve me of any pressure felt by me to use black nail polish to enhance my oft worn black outfits.
On Saturday I was able to join in with the challenging task of helping to carry our daughter's personal effects to her new abode on the second floor and later experience the painful awareness of muscles I didn't know I owned! The move was very successful, already the new abode looks very homely and surprisingly coordinated, when I consider that most of the items have been the result of wonderfully successful op shop forays,handmade projects and various additions from our family collection. Its bright and sunny and will be a wonderful haven for her, I'm sure.
Thankfully, prior to my 'accident' on Monday,I had already completed the knitted throw that I had been working on for my daughters birthday present. Thus I was able to wrap and present it to her and she was delighted with my work of art. I am including a snap for your enjoyment.
To those knitters that might be interested in the hows of this masterpiece... I used 2cm needles, double yarn throughout. Knitting 4 row stripes, where yarn allowed. Commencing with 25 stitches, I knitted every row; increasing one stitch in the first and last stitch of one side of the work until 75 stitches. Then knitted approx 8 rows and then commenced decreasing one stitch at the beginning and end of the same row as was increased until 25 stitches remained then I cast off very loosely and added a fringe! (F.Y.I. This made a triangle shape)
I have just learned that it it isn't easy writing and comprehensible knitting pattern!
Life is Good
Simply Susan
Simply Susan.... sewer, craft enthusiast and poet, finds joy in creating wonderful crafts and composing words to inspire, encourage and enrich her life and those around her.
About Simply Susan
- Simply Susan
- Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.
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