About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Autumn in the Garden

I decided to put some flannelette sheets in the wash, nice and early this morning to give them plenty of time to dry. Hey presto, by the time I had got outside the sky was quickly darkening. Within seconds light rain had begun to fall and I was summoned to see a lovely rainbow. Yes, I ran inside to grab my trusty camera and I managed to take a couple of photos.

The light rain stopped momentarily and I had a stroll around the garden. The webs of our resident Golden Orb spiders were looking very pretty festooned with raindrops and, to my surprise I discovered the crepe myrtle in the front garden beautifully adorned in autumn colours.

Once more I am in awe, of the beauty in a garden. Spiders are not high on my list of favourite things, but the engineering that goes into the manufacturing of a web simply amazes me. When the sunlight falls on the web of a Golden Orb spider the web appears as a golden net and the strands are so very strong. This I have verified by walking into one and finding myself entangled in a nylon like embrace - not pleasant, especially as I always expect that the owner will be somewhere about my person, hidden in my hair perhaps...Brrrr.

The rain is now really heavy heavy and I think my chances of getting those sheets dry are...NIL. But Hey, I got to post this for your enjoyment.
Wishing you a great autumn day!
Love Simply Susan

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