About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Seeing Work From Another Angle

I was standing in the queue early one morning at Bunnings watching people, considering that the majority of people were involved in working, either employees at at Bunnings or "tradies" buying bits and pieces for their day. I watched, thinking about the fact that each of them probably weren't that happy at being at work, away from their homes and loved ones.  Each was in a totally different environment to one one that they would choose, socially, that then made me think.

Work is a privilege, an opportunity to gain monetary reward for time invested. But not only that, during the course of a working day, ie on the bus, train, or on foot, or in the car en route; buying lunch etc etc, we find ourselves involved in the lives of others, be they workmates or customers/clients/patients/shop assistants and thus we have the opportunity to spend time in the company of folk totally outside of our family and friends. This gives us the opportunity to get involved in others lives, depending how much time there is, on all sorts of levels.  These are our God moments, when we can show Christ to the unbelieving world, Not by being crabby, short tempered and rude rather by being patient, understanding interested beings, who see that encounter as a divine appointment and an opportunity to display His love  to those who don't know Him.

Who will you meet today?
Simply Susan

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