About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fire in the Sky

I wasn't able to capture the sunrise on film the other day, but I did hot foot it outside when I glimpsed this sunset two nights ago. This definitely had the WOW factor! I hope enjoy it. There have been some beautiful cloud formations around recently too.

Keep looking up!
Love Simply Susan

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