About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

More WOW factor

We are the owners of a strap cactus, a flat leafed plant that produces buds once a year. Once the bud opens, the flower lasts one day and then fades and shrivels up. The plant is unremarkable to look at, but it has produced a flower for the last two years.

You need to understand that just about the only kind of pot plant that survives in our care are cacti. We have plant stand at the back of the house on which stand a few pots that used to be home to a variety of Christmas cacti, very pretty plants with lovely flowers in spring.

Living in our vicinity is a variety of bird that makes a racket, they visit regularly bearing various bits of edible bric a brac that they dump in my pots, then proceed to dig around with their substantial beaks and bingo my plants are ousted, and no longer - languishing on the ground - dead! The bric a brac varies from old chop bones to liquorice allsorts and lumps of raw mince. The birds hide them in the pots and come back later for a snack. They even deposit these offerings on a table as if they were going to have a picnic!

I know that I do not have success with pot plants and have reluctantly accepted the fact, but this strap cactus that I mentioned earlier is amazing. In spite of difficult circumstances, it manages to produce an enormous bud and then a sensational flower. Today was the day that the flower would open.

I got up to make the tea this morning and looked out of the window, yesterday the huge bud looked as if it would soon open, and YES, the flower had opened and what a beauty!

Before I made the morning cuppa, I found my camera and raced outside to capture the bloom before it was spoiled by wind or visiting birds. There I was in my pyjamas (again, I do all my best photography in the early morning!)I was able to show the images to my sleepy husband while he sipped his tea.

I share some pics with you of the bud the flower and maybe one of a cheeky bird being eyed by a neighbour's cat!

Friday tomorrow
Simply Susan

Monday, October 17, 2011

Beautiful Bunting

When my daughter returned from the UK last year, she brought with her the inspiration of using bunting as a decoration. In the last twelve months I have had a lot of fun making, and pleasure from using and looking at several different styles of bunting.

Our deck is often the venue for for various social gatherings and these decorations have helped to set the scene.

My first attempt was made from pretty floral fabrics to celebrate summer, this was followed by two Christmas lengths in appropriate fabrics; then a black and white themed tea party inspired black and white bunting. Next came a length made from broiderie anglaise with a strawberry pattern to adorn a bedroom in the sky and then a country style with additional lace for a spare room.

I am delighted with the effect achieved by using vintage doilies, a great way to look at these often forgotten, miniature works of art, and to make effective use of my doily stash..

My most recent project was made from a length of Christmas fabric that I acquired from a local car boot sale some months ago. I couldn't think how to use the fabric to best effect and decided to cut round the motives and make bunting in a different shape. I am pleased with the result, I may add some additional adornments nearer to Christmas, which is fast approaching

Finally, for now, some paper doily bunting, that looked very effective hanging on our front fence.

I look forward to further inspiration...
Simply Susan

Monday, October 10, 2011


The Jacaranda trees at the end of our street are in bloom! On Sunday morning before church, I wandered around the park with my camera and captured their beauty, before the blossoms are dislodged by wind and rain.

While these aren't the largest, oldest or finest specimens of this beautiful tree, they are the local ones that I get to enjoy, and so I share them with you.

A few years ago, I penned these words


Canopies of purple, blossoms all around,
Hanging from the branches, scattered on the ground.
They stand out in country vistas and in cities too -
Delightful in the springtime, giving joy to me and you.

One of my favourite Queensland, springtime blessings, may you find them so too.

Simply Susan