About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Treasure Hunting

Hello Friends and Followers
I wrote this poem, to my amazement, ten years ago, and you know what, its still current for me. Treasure Hunting never ceases to please me and I get a thrill each time I find some.  I thought I would share it with you and include some photos of the doily dolls that I have made from beautiful doily treasure that adorn my home. Enjoy.

With coins in my purse and a smile on my face
I walk with great purpose, I quicken my pace.
I'd heard of this shop filled with treasures galore,
Like all "stuff" collectors, I was looking for more.
The prospect of bargains never fails, me to tempt
That unusual item, that for just me was meant
The search is unending, it ebbs and it flows
The desire ever strengthens wherever I go.

My heartbeat now quickens, my eyes search around
To spy out the "stuff", on a shelf? On the ground?
The thrill of a "treasure" is just beyond speech
One hopes that the price will not be beyond reach.
Perhaps its the colour, or maybe the "feel"
The look or the texture may provide it's appeal.
Its hard to explain why old things attract
But they do and I love it, and that is a fact.

Never mind that I have one just like it at home
It cannot remain in the shop all alone.
With one eyeball missing and a sad lack of hair
Who's going to love it? I can't leave it there?
The doily with rust marks, yet stitches so fine;
The basket with handles supported by twine;
The half ball of wool, with colour so bright
Will be great for that doll that I started last night.

The old lace and trimmings; the buttons and beads
And all that old jewelry will fulfill all my needs.
"Look, that slip is so pretty, the lace is so nice
Would look well on that bride doll, and look at the price!"
Nothing's too far gone for my wide searching eye
Torn, worn or misshapen, I'll give it a try.
"No matter, its stained, it can come home with me
If bleach doesn't fix it, I'll soak it in tea".
I'm a sucker for treasure - love to give it a place
Where displayed in its glory, brings a smile to the face.

Creativity is fired with each treasure I keep
Can't stop making dolls now, I'm in way too deep.
My cupboards and drawers fairly bulge with my finds
No one understands me, "Are you losing your mind?"

The shop proved a cavern with treasures galore
I've had a geat time here, who could ask for more.
"What's that? There's another just over the way,"
I've spent all my coins, better call it a day
My back's sore , my feet ache, in fact I'm all done
I can't tell you what drives me, I just know IT'S FUN.

copyright 2001

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


When walking along the beach collecting seashells, hoping to find perfect specimens, I am reminded of how beautiful lives are damaged by sin, maybe physically, definitely spiritually. By looking at a piece of a shell we get a glimpse of its complexity and beauty.

Do I rinse the sand off my beautiful, broken shell and put it in my pocket to add to my collection, or see it to be of no value, throw it away and keep looking for the perfect specimen?

I am so thankful that God didn't seek perfection in me, that He seeks us with all our imperfections and works in our lives to make us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Surely this applies to our human relationships, as we encounter other people, marred by sin.  Can we accept people as they are, damaged, like ourselves, and treasure them for their inherent qualities and look for the good in them; imagining how their lives could be transformed by having a relationship with Jesus.  Or do we miss out on a friendship, by seeking perfection?

Back to the shells, if I am unable to see and enjoy beauty in the piece that I find, then my collection may never be extended and I could miss so much while hoping for the  unattainable.

How great is The Father's love for us, that though we are greatly misshapen by sin, He loves us and sees us of great value, worth redeeming and adding to His collection for His glory.

Steady, refreshing rain is falling on the Gold Coast today, reminding me of God's continued blessings in my life.

Simply Susan

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Miss Piggy

This little piggy didn't come from a farm,
I found her in an op shop with only one arm.
She'd been thrown in with others and she wanted out,
"Can't you see, I've potential, and a really cute snout?"
She came home, had a bath and was hung out to dry,
Alas, I didn't notice the clouds in the sky.
It started to rain and Miss Piggy hung there
For all of three days, it didn't seem fair.
But at last she was dry and her dress was clean.
I fashioned a new arm from calico, cream.
Put a bow on her head and sat her in a place
Where no one would miss her very cute face.
As autumn nears end, the weather's turned cool
I made her lace gussies to wear on her stool.
She now is complete with a future ahead -
She may yet even get to sit on my bed.
So from Miss Piggy, there's a lesson to learn.
Good things can happen without being earned.
The road up ahead may have a bend
But missing an arm doesn't mean its the end.

copyright 2005

Saturday, March 26, 2011

That Was The Week That Was

This last week has proven to be a HUGE learning curve for me. If you have read my initial Blog, you will know that I am far from being 'techno savvy'. I have spent considerable amounts of time alone with this computer trying to find my way around - how to upload photos first from my camera and then how to include them in a blog. I have persevered like never before and have persisted, partly to save my family members from repeated badgering for help and partly to prove to myself that I can do this. Tangling with this machine, in the past has brought me to tears of frustration and thus I was reluctant to even try owning a blog. I write this to encourage any other gals out there who might be feeling incapable of involvement in such a form of communication,or intimidated by their computer.

Thank you to all the people who have given me help and encouragement and listened to my joyous babbling about my achievement over these past few days - you are part of my success and I am grateful.

One small step for man, one huge leap for me!
I am encouraged to keep going and keep learning, and keep up with the ever changing face of technology.

Simply Susan

Have a go!

Fire in the Sky

I wasn't able to capture the sunrise on film the other day, but I did hot foot it outside when I glimpsed this sunset two nights ago. This definitely had the WOW factor! I hope enjoy it. There have been some beautiful cloud formations around recently too.

Keep looking up!
Love Simply Susan

Friday, March 25, 2011

Seeing Work From Another Angle

I was standing in the queue early one morning at Bunnings watching people, considering that the majority of people were involved in working, either employees at at Bunnings or "tradies" buying bits and pieces for their day. I watched, thinking about the fact that each of them probably weren't that happy at being at work, away from their homes and loved ones.  Each was in a totally different environment to one one that they would choose, socially, that then made me think.

Work is a privilege, an opportunity to gain monetary reward for time invested. But not only that, during the course of a working day, ie on the bus, train, or on foot, or in the car en route; buying lunch etc etc, we find ourselves involved in the lives of others, be they workmates or customers/clients/patients/shop assistants and thus we have the opportunity to spend time in the company of folk totally outside of our family and friends. This gives us the opportunity to get involved in others lives, depending how much time there is, on all sorts of levels.  These are our God moments, when we can show Christ to the unbelieving world, Not by being crabby, short tempered and rude rather by being patient, understanding interested beings, who see that encounter as a divine appointment and an opportunity to display His love  to those who don't know Him.

Who will you meet today?
Simply Susan

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fabulous Fabric Flowers

On return from a long stay overseas, my daughter presented me with a heap of inspirational craft ideas. The first was a posy of fabric flowers that she had seen in a market and knew I would enjoy. I find them whimsical, pretty and just delightful, different fabrics bring different charm. Needless to say I have made dozens as each bring me such pleasure.  I have made them in two sizes, the smaller ones are particularly gorgeous and work well as gifts.

I would have to say they are simple but very effective.
Wishing you an inspirational day
Simply Susan


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beware the salt shaker

Last evening I made Shepherd's Pie for dinner, with carrots, cabbage and gravy...MMMmmm smelt and looked great. We sat down to eat, my husband, my daughter and a dear friend. Alas while adding condiments to my delectable dinner - the lid came off the salt shaker and Hey Presto Mediterranean Rock salt Crystals all over my plate. I managed to shoo a few away and tried to eat my meal, but alas - all I managed to achieve was mouthfuls of grit and a dreadful taste in my mouth!
The fresh sweet juicy pineapple to follow was balm to my sore tongue! As was the several litres of water that followed!
Moral of the story...
You can definitely have too much of a good thing!

Its a beautiful day here on the Gold Coast, but I yearn for cooler days when I can get crafty once more

Simply Susan

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Wonder of it All

Woke early this morning, ( 'cos its a working day, the weekend fun is over), to the sound of kookaburras laughing in the distance, in the background the roar of the ocean. When I opened the curtains, I was greeted by a beautiful sunrise. The sky was ablaze with gold and blue, vivid colour everywhere.
Yesterday I picked a flower from an Hibiscus bush that grows in our garden.  The flower is the most stunning shade of tangerine, the deep centre magenta and a long stamen tip laden with pollen - just gorgeous.  Yet the flower last only one day.  The bush takes years to mature and flower and these gorgeous, complex blooms last for just one day.
Both these assaults of beauty cause me to ponder the wonder of fleeting beauty, the sunrise and the flower, just two examples of the beauty all around us every day, given to us by God to enjoy and enhance our days.  No matter how fleeting the beauty, moments or a day, God doesn't stint on the details or depth of the beauty.I am so glad and grateful that these wonders are made for us to beautify our world.  I encourage you to take time and enjoy these blessings.

Have a great day
Simply Susan

My first day as an International Blogger

Well., you may ask, what's that all about?
Well, I have an 'adopted daughter" staying with us for a few days and since I had today off, we took the opportunity to visit one or two, well OK five, Op Shops in my locality, and didn't we do well!  Had a wonderful morning trawling through fabulous treasure, and, yes, we found plenty! Including Guy Sebastion's first CD, for $1.50; two beaut handbags and a bunch of varied tops that will be very handy in the coming cooler months. "AD" bought some lovely label jackets and a heap of tops that she needs in order to look gorgeous in her new admin position in Sydney.
A highlight of the morning was catching up with a friend who had been transferred from managing a nearby "outlet" to one needing a boost and he was so pleased to see me that he made us both a cup of tea, and even went out to buy us biscuits to go with it! You don't get that treatment at Myers!
AD is concerned how as to how to convey her haul back on the plane, but I have given her a bag and rolled up all her treasure neatly, confident that she will arrive back with EVERY LITTLE THING!
Moral of the story? Where there's a will there's a way!

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
Simply Susan
Thanks to those who have visited my Blog already...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Power of Influence

My Daughter has encouraged me to start this Blog as a record of my creative activities, as she thinks others will be interested in reading my entries, and hearing about my creative exploits.  This seemed strange to me at first being a gal who is technologically challenged, but maybe she is right and someone out there might be inspired or encouraged by my entries, which will make it all worth while. 

Handicrafts have fascinated me since I was quite young, having been taught to sew by my Grandmother; to crochet by my Great Aunt; and to knit by my Mother, each of these pursuits I find therapeutic at various times and I delight in recycling purely for the fun and affordability.  

This has lead to a keen interest and much delight in treasure hunting predominately at Op Shops and the local Car Boot Sale.  While being involved for several years in a Cloth Doll Club I discovered a talent of recording both club and personal activities in rhyme, I have a happy knack of observing the special in the mundane and seeing the funny side of things so I continue to write about everyday topics and events. My faith in God colours my life and is integral to who I am and what I do.  This culminated in my first book 'Flights of Fancy'. 

So grab a cuppa and sit back, relax and enjoy... here I go!

Simply Susan