About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Speed of Life

As we find ourselves almost half way through another year already I have wondered why it seems that time is passing so quickly. I  was prompted to write down a few thoughts. What do you think...

The Speed of Life

Easter eggs in January, Christmas in July,
Are we living in the future or does time really fly?
We use public holidays like stepping stones as we charge on through the year
Cramming more and more activities in, while at the clock we peer.
"Is that the time? Oh I must rush, I'm due at so and so's
I've hardly time to do it all, how quickly each day goes!"

Are we surprised  that we're always tired, with no time to pause and wonder
At the bigger issues facing us, instead we feel we're going under.
Next seasons fashions arrive with full force and with zing.
I'm still thinking Winter and I'm faced with choosing Spring!

Buy Christmas presents in January sales, Easter buns while you're there,
By the time that Easter comes around, they'll not be any where.
Electronic gadgetry has not helped our cause,
Providing much more stuff to do, we've rarely time to pause.

The phone is never out of reach, we dare not leave home without one,
It wasn't so very long ago, we knew few people who owned one!
Handwritten letters rarely arrive now, delivered by the post,
Though they are few and far between, they're the one's I love the most.

Instead, emails and text messages arrive as if by magic
Demanding instant responses, this speed at times seems tragic.
Where once we waited weeks to hear news from afar,
Now everything is instant with one tap on the toolbar!

We've lost the art of waiting, no matter where we look -
Instant communications, instant meals...golly, now E books!
Everything is instantaneous and all is found on line.
With all this extra help, wouldn't you think we'd have more time?

We Facebook this and Twitter that,
No wonder folks love dogs and cats
Some time to pat and fondle creatures not caught up in the race.
They help bring down one's blood pressure
They definitely have their place.

We drive like manics on the roads, speeding from here to there,
No thought for other people, no evidence of care.
No manners seem in evidence as we tear around from place to place,
The milk of human kindness is not visible on our face.
Will the world stop spinning if a jouney takes a little longer?
We just consume more alcohol and drink our coffee even stronger.

Life in the western world is speeding up, Is there anything we can do?
Can we slow it down and enjoy it more, can we take another view?
I wish I had the answer, because my life is speeding by
We've made time our enemy, I can only wonder why?

Copyright 2011

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