About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dragon's Breath Morning

I have just returned from an early morning walk, The sun had not long risen, the temperature approximately 14 degrees, just beautiful.. A dragon's breath morning! Heavy dew on the grass twinkled as the early morning sun caught it, a few shrubs and trees dressed in Autumn colours,and "Willy Wagtails" prancing about near the path, delighting in the new day, as always dressed like snappy waiters. Joy of joys wattle is coming into bloom, one of my favourite Australian flora. I love the clusters of golden puff balls against the knife like, grey green leaves and the dusty fragrance, which brings back memories of taking out the flowers from the ward when I was a student nurse, vases holding sprigs of wattle, what the English call Mimosa.

Thanks to Her Majesty, we in Queensland have just enjoyed a long weekend.  Its been a crafty one for me. During a visit to our local  Spotlight sale (our local mega craft store) on Saturday morning, I spied some very pretty combination yarn in shades of green.. I immediately thought of my friend's green couch and how lovely a throw in those colours would look. I eagerly purchased four skeins, and then, inspired by a cushion cover, adorned with a rose motif, I searched for fabric that I could experiment with. I found a lovely remnant of suitable cream satin for just two dollars and home I went with my haul!

The throw turned out a treat, I knitted it double throughout with cream 10 ply wool, which gave a pretty effect to the project. My friend was delighted when I presented it to her on Monday afternoon, she assures me it looks well on her new green couch. I can't wait to see it in situ.

Yesterday, (I had an extra day off), I embarked on the cushion cover. I was totally delighted to find a very suitable remnant of upholstery fabric at local Op Shop from which to make the body of the cushion. I cut bias strips from the cream satin and joined them all together.  Having drawn a spiral with tailors chalk, off I went sewing the bias to the front of my cushion cover.

Yippee! It worked! The general effect, I am pleased with, but have realised that a lighter weight fabric would give a completely different effect as would different colours. But hey, not a bad effort overall and the whole thing only cost me three dollars and I have enough fabric to make a second one. I presented the cover to my daughter last evening and she was impressed.

F.Y.I. last nights dinner was corned silverside with mustard sauce, served with home grown beans, carrots and potatoes, followed by lemon meringue pie and cream - it was YUMMY! I do love these "family" treat meals! Alas no photos!

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