I don't know how it is at your house, but here clean laundry requiring ironing is folded and placed on a cupboard shelf in the laundry, awaiting my attention, which may be later rather than sooner, depending on my mood, how much time I have available and what's going on in my craft filled head. It's not that I don't like ironing, its more a case of out of sight, out of mind.
Items that I know won't be used for some time, for example special table cloths, napkins, out of season clothes, gradually move to lower position in my ironing pile while I concentrate on the important, urgent items. Thus inevitably some items may be there on that shelf for a considerable time. That's just the way it is. This results in feelings of discouragement for me because the pile is never completely abolished.
Last evening, having tackled the shirts, I was about to disconnect the ironing cord and dismantle the ironing board, when I glimpsed how it might feel if I should finish the job, by ironing all the summer PJ's; the table cloth; the apron; the pillowcases and handkerchiefs my pile would be non existent and it surely would only take me a little while longer...so that's what I did. I smiled to myself at my perception and stick-ability whilst I finished the job.
What's that? A missing button, oh dear, I'd better put that aside for attention later. Well what do you know? I have a mending pile that I operate in a similar way to my ironing pile - urgent cases first - thus certain items may go out of fashion (unlikely in my world) or no longer fit before I get to replace the button, mend the seam, take up the pants etc etc. It must be a character flaw of mine - piles everywhere awaiting attention.
I asked The Man this morning if he had noticed anything different in the wardrobe, after I mentioned my epic ironing episode, he smiled and said that's nice.
Fulfilling my housekeeping duties should be its own reward, but hey, it's nice just to gloat once in a while - isn't it?
I've just got a few spare moments-now where did I put my knitting....?
Simply Susan
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