About Simply Susan

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Made in England, Susan grew up particularly enjoying collecting second hand books and visiting jumble sales for bargains. She moved to Australia where she developed a passion for 'Treasure' hunting in opportunity shops. This led to her home becoming a refuge for orphaned bears and an assortment of hand made objects. Susan loves to spend her time creating beautiful country crafts and writing poems about her creations and life experiences. When not busily sewing or writing Susan enjoys hosting themed afternoon teas for her friends and relaxing in her home on the beautiful Gold Coast. May you enjoy Simply Susan's musings.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Count Your Blessings

The psalmist says in Psalm 19 verse 1, "The heavens declare the glory of God".
What does that conjure up in your mind?
I have always imagined the night sky when I've read those words,the moon and the stars - God's amazing "extreme bling". This week has seen me pondering a lot about the daytime as well. Some of the cloud formations on display these last few days have been absolutely beautiful.
Who needs an art gallery when all we have to do is look up?
I bounced out of bed this morning and peeped out from the curtains and what I saw caused me to dash for my camera and rush outside. (I did momentarily wonder what the neighbours would make of my pink floral jammies, should they see me in the garden). I post here for your enjoyment snatches of what I saw. As the minutes passed the sky changed from silvery blue to a deeper shade and the clouds became more blousy. Just gorgeous!
On arrival at work a this morning a colleague told me about an inclusion in the weekend Courier Mail. It told of someone who was facing depression and was encouraged to find and document one thing each day for a year to be grateful for, apparently the story became "viral" ,as my colleague described it, and many people are now doing similarly. My colleague was deeply affected by some of the examples of gratitude that she read. This reminds me of the story of Pollyanna who played the 'glad game' when and wherever she could, and in so doing turned around may of the peoples lives that she encountered. To put it another way Count Your Blessings!
I thought of the beautiful sky that I had enjoyed an hour before and I smiled.

Let me encourage you to start counting your blessings and see how many you can list and how that then changes your outlook.

Happy counting!
Simply Susan

1 comment:

  1. Wow! These clouds remind me of my wedding day! There's my first blessing to count! Woohoo! :)
